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How to Lead an Effective Job Interview

Learn how to effectively lead a job interview.
Picture of John Doe

John Doe

Picture of October 5, 2021

October 5, 2021

Early in your career, you are likely to be the interviewee when it comes to job interviews. But as your responsibilities progress, you may be asked to interview potential hires. Before you lead a job interview, prepare for the meeting, take notes, and remember to leave time for the candidate to ask questions of you.

Avoiding a bad hire can save your organization a lot of time and money. To learn more about how to interview and what hiring strategies could be best for your company, including utilizing temporary employees and permanent hires, talk to an employment expert at Quality Placement Authority.

Prepare in Advance

Before you lead a job interview, take a moment to look over the candidate’s resume. Take note of parts of their work history that match the needs of your organization. Jot down a few additional questions, beyond the basic interview questions for each hire, to gain insight into how this particular individual would be an asset to your team. 

Next, when starting the interview, understand that the candidate could be nervous. Introduce yourself and explain your role at the company. You can also share the steps you are following in order to find the right candidate. Sharing a bit about where you are coming from can help to put a candidate at ease once you begin asking questions.

As you ask questions and learn more about if the candidate’s skills are in line with the tasks outlined in the job description, you may also learn about their career goals. This could happen through follow-up questions, for example. Learning more about their goals can be helpful in understanding if the professional environment of the job will match the development goals of the hire. 

Take Notes and Leave Time When You Lead a Job Interview

Usually you will be interviewing more than one candidate and will forget details of the interview when you return to your desk. Taking notes is an important tool for recording any first impressions and details that could help in determining if they are the best individual for the job. 

And if you have a set end time for the meeting, be sure to budget in time for candidate questions. When the interviewee asks questions, it can help you to gauge their interest level. Additionally, they can determine if the job is what they imagined when they applied.

Then, as the interview closes, explain what the next steps in the process will be, such as when a candidate could expect to hear from you and if there is a target date for making a final decision. Even if you have never lead a job interview, learning how is possible. If you have questions about the process, connect with an employment expert. 

Are you looking for guidance on how to find the best hires for your organization? Talk to an employment professional. Quality Placement Authority is a full-service staffing and recruiting firm with nationwide service capabilities. Let our experts help you find the best candidate for your business. Connect with Quality Placement Authority today.

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