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Productive Tips for Working from Home

Picture of John Doe

John Doe

Picture of October 13, 2020

October 13, 2020

More and more people are working from their home offices (or dining room tables). If you are working from home a few days a week, or if your position is completely remote, know that there are ways to stay social, be productive, and move your career forward, all without going into the office.

Remote work is connected to larger trend called flexible working. As the world changes, some employers are comfortable having employees work outside of the office. Other types of flexible work include schedules that allow parents to work school-friendly hours or job sharing, when two or more employees share the duties of one full-time position.

Are you interested in a flexible position? Discuss your career goals with an employment expert at Quality Placement Authority.

Create a Routine and Set a Schedule

When you are working from home, creating a routine paves a path to productivity. For some this could mean sipping coffee and making a to-do list before logging on for the day. Others may find taking a morning walk energizes them and gives them the feeling of entering the office to start their day, even when they are simply returning home.

Then, maintain a schedule throughout the day for maximum results. Be communicative with your supervisor about expectations and breaks. For example, most full-time employees are entitled to a lunch hour and two 15-minute periods to stretch, eat, or heat up a cup of tea.

Have a Dedicated Work Area When Working from Home

While some have enough space to set up a dedicated office, that is not true for every remote worker. That said, you can set yourself up for success by designing an area for work. This could be as simple as having a clear desk or a table for your computer. Ideally, your work area will be near a window, a power source, and be positioned in an area of your home with consistent WiFi connectivity.

A window is optimal because natural light can help improve your mood and promote relaxation. Of course you’ll also want a table or floor lamp for overcast days when the window won’t supply the light you need.

Remember to practice self care as well. Taking care of yourself could include going outside for some fresh air on your lunch hour or starting each day dressed for the office, even if you are simply headed down the hall of your own apartment. It is also beneficial to boost relationships with teammates through online conversations and virtual meetings.

A productive solution for employers and employees, working from home can lead to higher output for many workers. After all, when an employee is at home, they are free from the distractions and interruptions of a busy office. For some employers, remote employees or a team with staggered hours means the business can spend less on office space, too.

Do you have questions about how to secure a remote position? Quality Placement Authority is a full-service staffing and recruiting firm with nationwide service capabilities. Let our experts help find the best position for you. Connect with Quality Placement Authority today.

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