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Why You Should Explore Temp Work

Benefits of taking steps to explore temp work.
Picture of John Doe

John Doe

Picture of January 25, 2022

January 25, 2022

Has a friend or family suggested you should explore temp work? If you are reading a book or article on career advice written decades ago, there will likely be language about job hopping and short work periods being bad for your long-term career goals. But times have changed. What was frowned upon 20 years ago is not true anymore. With employees having more options than they have in the past, temporary work can open career doors in exciting ways. 

In today’s employment climate, temp work can help you close gaps in your employment history and you’ll learn new skills through the process. To learn about job placement opportunities that last for weeks or months at a time, rather than years, talk to an employment expert at Quality Placement Authority

Work During Career Gaps and Secure References

While career gaps are more common and hiring managers can turn a blind eye, it does show initiative to continue working and building your skillset when you are in between permanent positions. Improving yourself looks good to potential work connections and  you may meet individuals who can supply you with reliable references moving forward. 

Even though temp jobs are temporary by definition, they provide a path to earning an income while keeping you growing professionally, in skills and contacts. 

Explore Temp Work and Make the Most of Your Experiences

If you do decide you should explore temp work, know there are ways to maximize the benefits you will receive. For example,  if you are open to learning new skills, say so. There may be a variety of temp assignments available. Before you accept a placement, let the employment expert you are working with know that you want to stretch yourself, using the skills you have to access assignments where you can learn more. 

And once you are placed with an organization, treat the contract position like a full-time job, meaning you dress for work and listen closely to your supervisor so you can provide the work they need. Additionally, when free workshops or seminars are available, take advantage of the opportunities. The training could provide you with knowledge to help you shine at your temporary assignments and in future full-time positions. 

Some people decide to temp for small periods. Such as when they are looking for full-time work. But others find the flexibility of temping to be ideal for their lifestyle and continue working with staffing firms for long periods of time. Either way, while an assignment is fresh in your mind, remember to add the temp position to your work history.

In today’s world, there are no set rules on how to build a successful career. If you are interested in earning an income while improving your work history and meeting new professional contacts,  explore temporary assignments.

Would you like to learn more about why you should explore temp work? Discuss your career goals with an employment expert today. Quality Placement Authority is a full-service staffing and recruiting firm with nationwide service capabilities. Let our experts help find the best position for you. Connect with Quality Placement Authority today.

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