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Why Is It Important to Talk to References When Hiring?

Woman on phone working.
Picture of John Doe

John Doe

Picture of September 13, 2022

September 13, 2022

If you’ve been tasked with onboarding staffing support, you know that checking references is part of the hiring process. But if you’ve never gone through the process before, you may be wondering why it’s important and how to perform the task well. 

There are professionals who can screen candidates for you, including performing reference checks. When you need staff quickly and do not have the time or energy to go through the onboarding process, talk to Quality Placement Authority about staffing support, including introducing you to pre-screened individuals seeking temporary and permanent employment.

Reference Checks Happen Toward the End of the Process

It is important to recognize that you do not have to talk to the references of every single candidate. Instead, the majority of hiring managers check references toward the end of the process, when they are close to offering a candidate the job. The exception to this is when an employer has a specific question for a reference.

The purpose of a reference check is to gain more knowledge about a person and verify their experience. Before talking to references, managers typically only have information that the candidate has provided, such as their resume and what they have shared through communications and interviews. A reference check gives you an opportunity to get some clarity around a candidate’s skills and job abilities. 

Reference Question Examples

Each situation will have its own considerations, but in general, when you talk to references, use it as an opportunity to learn a bit more about the candidates and inquire about information shared on the individual’s resume. Some questions that may be helpful include the following. 

  • When did you work with this individual?
  • What was their role on the team?
  • Did they show initiative?
  • Do you know why they left the organization?
  • Would you work with them again if given the opportunity?

It is normal for busy managers to want to skip the process of calling references. This is true for a couple of reasons. One, the process takes time, and if your schedule is full you may not want to take on another task. And two, if you already believe the candidate would be a good hire you may not want to dig around for reasons not to hire them. 

That said, skipping a background check could cost you a lot of time and money later. To avoid bad hires, call references. There could be important information that will come to light or you could discover you misunderstood information presented on a resume or within an interview. 

If you aren’t sure how to find the best candidates for your organization, employment experts can help. Staffing firms have already checked the references of qualified candidates who are ready to get started right away. 

Are you a manager interested in connecting with pre-screened candidates? Quality Placement Authority is a full-service staffing and recruiting firm with nationwide service capabilities. Let our experts help you find the best candidate for your business. Connect with Quality Placement Authority today.

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