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What Is Simplified Candidate Sourcing?

Sign that says We're Hiring
Picture of John Doe

John Doe

Picture of February 24, 2023

February 24, 2023

A cost-effective way to find potential hires, simple candidate sourcing uses a few targeted strategies, such as recommendations from current employees, online posts, and job boards, to quickly identify and attract potential candidates. Often simple candidate sourcing is an attractive approach for hiring managers with one or two jobs that need to be filled.

But if you are looking to hire multiple candidates over time and could use help with the entire recruitment process, partnering with a reputable staffing firm could be the best path to your desired outcomes. Staffing firms have access to a large pool of candidates and can quickly fill job openings. Additionally, the employment experts at Quality Placement Authority can handle an array of recruitment responsibilities, from candidate sourcing to hiring, saving you time and resources. 

Referrals, Social Media, and Job Boards

Simple candidate sourcing is pretty straightforward. Essentially, you are getting the word out that your organization is hiring. Strategies used often include the following:

  • Employee referrals. Talking to current employees about job openings can be a powerful way to find qualified candidates. Once you have identified the need for a new hire, share with staff members that the organization will soon be hiring and exactly what type of person you are hoping to onboard. Then, your employees can bring any recommendations to you as they may have friends or family members with the skills your organization needs.
  • Social media posts. After discussing the position internally, it is time to share the news externally. Often this will include sharing the news of job openings on social media platforms. 
  • Job boards. To capture a wider audience, hiring managers turn to job boards. While this can be a great resource for attracting a lot of applicants, the problem with job boards is hiring managers receiving many, many applications from candidates who are not a good fit.

Once the job description has been created and shared with staff and online, it can also be shared socially. Some hiring managers will bring information about job openings to networking events, for instance.

Staffing Firms and High-Quality Candidates

Connecting with skilled hires is not always easy. One of the advantages of working with a staffing firm is they have already created a pool of talent, individuals you could bring on as a temporary worker before making a final hiring decision, for example. 

It’s important to consider all of the staffing options available and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy before moving forward. And sometimes the answer isn’t one or the other. You may find that a combination of simple candidate sourcing for some hires and engaging with a staffing firm for long-range goals may be the best approach for your organization.

Is simplified candidate sourcing an option for you? Or do you need the expertise of a firm to help you with your staffing needs? Share your hiring goals with Quality Placement Authority, a full-service staffing and recruiting firm with nationwide service capabilities. Let our experts help you find the best candidate for your business. Connect with Quality Placement Authority today.

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