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Secrets to Filling Talent Gaps

Employment experts can help you with filling talent gaps.
Picture of John Doe

John Doe

Picture of February 8, 2022

February 8, 2022

Many managers have trouble filing talent gaps within their staff. This is true in a range of industries and is often connected to companies not receiving qualified individuals from a pool of applicants. 

If your company has open positions that you need filled, consider partnering with an employment expert at a staffing firm. The workforce professionals at Quality Placement Authority can connect you with quality hires, including individuals with experience who are ready to help your business grow on day one and recent graduates who are open to learning the unique needs of your industry. 

Evaluate the Needs of Your Organization

When you have talent gaps, it can be an opportunity to assess the objectives of your business. Then, you can identify what roles will need to be filled. Short term hires and long term strategies should be put in place. Strategic planning is often overlooked because managers are busy with daily tasks, but planning ahead can actually lead to more time freedom in the future. 

Part of your planning process could be meeting with employees and department managers to get their perspectives. There could be areas you never considered that are in need of employment support. What you learn may surprise you. For example, you may believe another human resource professional is needed and then, through conversation, learn that there is a department that does not have enough administrative support which leads to unfinished paperwork overwhelming human resources. 

Assessing Skills of Full-Time Staff Members

Once you have done a skills inventory, determine what steps to take in filing talent gaps. There could be the need to create a few positions and have seasonal hires to support full-time staff members during crunch times. 

You may have full-time staff members who have adjacent skills to the talent gaps you have identified. Adjacent skilled employees could perform needed work tasks with a lesser amount of training than would be needed with a fresh hire. 

Filling Talent Gaps with Temporary Support Staff 

Next, utilize temporary support staff. Temp workers can help in a few different ways:

  • If you are thinking of creating a new position, bring in a temporary employee to determine if that role fits in your organization.
  • While training a full-time employee in a new role, allow a contract worker to fulfill the duties the employee will be away from during their training hours.
  • Buoy employee morale during tight deadlines with support staff, allowing scheduled vacations to move forward and maintain expected work hours. 

Every business needs to retool their hiring plans from time to time. Collaborating with a staffing firm gives you more options, allowing you to fulfill the needs of your business without delay. 

Could you use help filing talent gaps at your place of work? Temporary employees give you an opportunity to observe a person’s skill set before making a permanent hiring decision. Quality Placement Authority is a full-service staffing and recruiting firm with nationwide service capabilities. Let our experts help you find the best candidate for your business. Connect with Quality Placement Authority today.

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