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How to Throw a Virtual Work Party

Picture of John Doe

John Doe

Picture of December 8, 2020

December 8, 2020

If all or part of your team is working remotely, a virtual work party is an ideal way for coworkers to connect and socialize. Celebrations and parties reward employees for all of their work, whether they see to their task in the office, on the assembly line, or on their laptop at home.

Are you hoping to have new hires as part of your next work party? Connect with Quality Placement Authority today.

Virtual Work Party Activities

When remote workers are in place, they are often communicating through chats and video conferences. Planning a party means doing something different. While casual discussion can be part of the event, kick off the event with something special.

  • Take a class. If it has been a busy time at work, celebrate by taking an online class together that focuses on self-care. This could be participating in a short online yoga class together or learning a new craft.
  • Raise a glass. Celebrations deserve a toast. When you toast your team, you can highlight goals that were achieved thanks to everyone’s hard work.
  • Have a costume contest. Choose a theme and host a costume contest. It could be an ugly sweater contest, a 90s party, or a beach vacation theme. You can even have it tie into what your company produces or specializes in.
  • Decorate cookies or make a dish. This can be done in a couple of ways. Supervisors can supply cookie kits to each person’s home or each person can make (or buy) cookies in advance. Another choice could be making a favorite dish, showing it off to coworkers, and trading recipes.
  • Give scavenger hunt prompts. Have everyone look for items in their home. The person with the most wins. Prompts could include, finding a board game, a souvenir, unopened food, a book, or an animal (could be a pet or a toy).

How to Get Started

The first thing you will need to do is decide on a date and time. Send out invites and let team members know if there is anything they need to do to prepare or what to expect.

Bringing people together is a way to build relationships, so be sure your work party is inclusive. Everyone on the team should be invited and give a clear start time and end time so everyone’s time is respected. Sharing an agenda for the party is also helpful. That way, everyone knows what to expect and will login prepared.

When possible, repurpose funds that would be allocated to an in-person event to your virtual work party. For example, you could send cookie kits to team members for the decorating party or treat scavenger hunt winners to gift cards.

Could your workplace benefit from temporary staffing support? Temporary staff can boost your bottom line and team morale. Quality Placement Authority is a full-service staffing and recruiting firm with nationwide service capabilities. Let our experts help you find the best candidate for your business. Connect with Quality Placement Authority today.

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