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Are People Looking for Jobs During the Holidays? 

Two people wrapping holiday gifts.
Picture of John Doe

John Doe

Picture of November 8, 2022

November 8, 2022

If you are wondering if the holiday season is a good time to look for a job, the answer is yes. While many equate the holiday season with vacations and parties, the reality is there are still businesses looking to connect with job candidates. Reaching out during the holiday season could put you ahead of the competition. 

Staffing experts at Quality Placement Authority are introducing candidates to hiring managers throughout the year, including during the holidays. If you are hoping to secure a new position that meets your scheduling and income needs, share your objectives with an employment professional. 

Deciding What Work You Want to Do

Individuals who are currently employed and seeking a new position often find themselves with downtime during the holidays. While time off of work is typically granted to spend with friends and family, and those get-togethers are important, you can also devote a few hours to thinking about what kind of job you want next. Then, you can update your resume and social media profiles appropriately. 

From there you may also think of former coworkers who have connections in your desired work industry. The holidays are also a perfect time to reconnect with these people, wish them a festive, celebratory season and find out if they would be open to meeting for coffee to help you with your career goals. 

Also, when you are out and about during the holidays, if you have your resume polished and job goals in mind, you can talk to friends and family about your job search at holiday gatherings. You never know, there may be someone you know who is aware of an ideal match for you. And maybe the job hasn’t even been posted because of the holidays, which would result in you getting your application materials in ahead of others. 

Competing with a Smaller Pool of Candidates

The reality is there are some people who will suspend or curtail their job search during the holidays, but this could work in your favor. After all, with a smaller group of people looking for work, or possibly not answering communications because they are busy with personal commitments, you could be in an optimal position to secure a job with an employer who is hoping to have a position filled either before the New Year or as soon as possible.

When people actively search for a job or begin temping during the holiday season, they are putting themselves in an advantageous career position for the New Year. Even if a hiring manager is out on holiday when you apply, your application materials will be reviewed as soon as people return from vacations. And if you were hired for a seasonal position, it may extend into the New Year or connect you with another employment opportunity you were unaware of prior. 

Do you want to connect with a great job this holiday season? Quality Placement Authority is a full-service staffing and recruiting firm with nationwide service capabilities. Let our experts help you find the best job for your career goals. Connect with Quality Placement Authority today.

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